Hey Dear Researchers,

I am working on my PHD thesis and in one part of my thesis (10% of total work) I should downscale the GCM model in order to assess the impacts of climate change on monthly hydrologic change and water allocation. I need daily precipitation series as input to my bhydrologic simulation model (SWAT).

I had previous experiences with SDSM, LARS WG and Artificial Neural Network.

I searched a lot in the published papers. But the problem is I don't know which mehod can be reliable while climate change has much uncertainities and I can't assign an unlimited time to this part of my thesis. However, I want an acceptable academic  and up-to-date method which need a fair time.

Some of my alternatives are as following:

- To develop a custom model using R CLIM.PACT package programming or SVM, Distribution function method, MLR or...

- To use Downscaling softwares such as SDSM, LARS WG, Eta model, dsclim,...

Thank you for kind advice in advance.

Best Regards,


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