We are considering different brands of stereo microscope to set up a small C. elegans laboratory. Looking for recommendations and any general advice on microscope features that you feel are important for C. elegans culture and research.
Features I expect are critical in deciding on the microscope we choose:
- Micrometer eye lenses - helpful for selecting/screening larval stages by size?
- Fluorescence capability - we won't need this at the start for wild-type strains, but I expect this is going to become a critical feature for transgenics. Have looked at the Nightsea fluorescence adapter, but leaning more towards an integrated system.
- Optical quality - we are looking into live worm tracking software - Is this possible with cheaper stereo microscopes or does the quality of the optics play a critical role in the software tracking accuracy?
- Ergonomics - C. elegans culture requires a lot of time on the scope - what precautions do you take for reducing neck and eye strain (e.g. is it best to have a scope with adjustable/tilting head?)
Thanks for your responses!