I'm searching for map sources that will provide me with reliable terrain type data for the given GIS location: Longitude 121.213 and Latitude 32.2343, terrain type is 'Forest' or 'Urban' or 'Water'.
I am currently looking at some ways to process sat/aerial imagery from Google Maps to create this type of data, but this approach is very unreliable since colouring/saturation/hue/contrast of images received from Google Maps is not constant. Very often, within same city, several different image qualities & colour settings will appear, some city areas will appear overall brownish, some greenish (as if white-balance was not set correctly when pictures were taken), and some will appear with natural colours. Creating data from these images often results in wrong terrain type detected.
So what I am looking for is map source that can give this type of information with acceptable reliability (I would consider 65% as acceptable reliability). Precision can be for wider areas, like 5x5 kilometers is just fine.
Can anyone help, give me advice or share some useful links?