There are several method for determining organic matter in soil such as black and walkley and Tyurin method. Among them which on gives the most reliable results?
I prefer Black and Walkley Titration method. its an easy experiment. The results are pretty accurate too and Reviewers tend to accept it without any hesitation
The best method for determining organic carbon is as follows: JABBAROV, Z. - ABDRAKHMANOV, T. - PULATOV, A. - KOVÁČIK, P. - PIRMATOV, K .: Change in the parameters of soils contaminated by oil and oil products. Agriculture (Polnohospodárstvo), vol. 65, 2019, no. 3 pp. 88 - 98. "
Method of potassium dichromate oxidation . Please refer to the following paper:
Mohamed I, Zhang G, Li Z, Liu Y, Chen F, Dai K. 2015. Ecological restoration of an acidic Cd contaminated soil using bamboo biochar application. Ecol Eng. 84:67–76.
Elemental analysis by dry combustion and subsequent IR detection of CO2 is the standard method, most reliable and superior to wet-chemical methods (e.g. Chatterjee et al. (2009; Critical Reviews in Plant Science 28, 164-), Jolivet et al. (1998; Communications in Soil Science and Plant Ananlysis 19, 2227-)).