I surveyed 4 sites (A, B, C and D) during six times along a year. On each site I measured abundance in six sampling transects.  I have a total of 36 sampling units on each site.

Sites A and B are very impacted and sites C and D are reference with almost no human disturbance but topography is different A=C ≠ B=D (i.e. A and C present steep slope; B and D present gentle slope). I have 3 factors: Time (6 levels); Impact (2 levels) and Topography (2 levels). Data found to be normal and homocedastic. I´m interested in determining the relative contribution of Human disturbance and Topography to abundance variation of this species.

Is it possible lumping data together in order to perform two ANOVAS to determine the effect size attributed to each factor and then compare them?

I mean to perform a bifactorial ANOVA grouping data to compare Impact versus Reference sites and to calculate the effect size with its confidence intervals. To perform another bifactorial ANOVA grouping data to compare Gentle slope versus Steep slope and to calculate the effect size with its confidence intervals. Then comparing the effect size for each analysis in order to determine the relative contribution to variation of each factor

Note that: 1) variation due to time should be the same for both ANOVA; 2) in the first ANOVA the two sites on each level present different topography; 3) in the second ANOVA the two sites on each level present different disturbance.

  • If it’s not possible to do that, there is any other alternative to determine relative contribution of Impact and Topography to variations in abundance with this sampling design?
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