It will depend upon the soil type where the tea is grown. More over the type of fungicide or pesticide sprayed will determine the concentration of copper present in green or black tea.
It will depend upon the soil type where the tea is grown. More over the type of fungicide or pesticide sprayed will determine the concentration of copper present in green or black tea.
In dry material or fresh? Estimating of copper content in herbal or any other food material will gives different level of percentage depend on its dried/fresh nature. Most of the dried material will have more copper content (approximately 5 times more) than fresh materials.
But if you take leafy vegetables, it will be very less of copper content because they rich in iron content where tea, extracts of Camellia sinensis leaves. Black tea is more oxidized than Green tea. Generally, foods which are rich in antioxidant property will have more copper content.
commercially, both are from Camellia sinensis, but different variety (large and small leaf variety)
Higher copper content, black or green tea. You can analyse the tea leaves for trace elements. So long organic matter is present there is no much change in Cu contents. You can extract & analyse by Atomic absorption spectrophotometrically.
If you produced black or green tea from the same fresh leaves, cupper content in both type of tea shell be same on dry basis if there isn't any contamination during fermentation and drying.