Beacusae fungi are Strongly affected by weather conditions,so fungi used lower for pests control. fungi have extent hosts(polyphage) including Aphids, lepidoptera, coccoidea, some coleoptera and diptera.
Fungi penetrated by cuticule insect and distributed in hemocoel.
Fungi actived in humid conditios.
Beuvaria and Metarhizum have proteoletic enzymes of extracellular that decomposed the insect cuticle.
There are many entomopathogenic fungi which have been proved against large number of insect pests. Which insect pest against which you want to know the effectiveness of fungi.
Beacusae fungi are Strongly affected by weather conditions,so fungi used lower for pests control. fungi have extent hosts(polyphage) including Aphids, lepidoptera, coccoidea, some coleoptera and diptera.
Fungi penetrated by cuticule insect and distributed in hemocoel.
Fungi actived in humid conditios.
Beuvaria and Metarhizum have proteoletic enzymes of extracellular that decomposed the insect cuticle.
There are several fungi able to infect insects .They are effective under certain conditions particularly in laboratories and computerized glass houses . In general ,they need hot and humid conditions . In general , they are not effective in the open field ; they need hot and humid conditions .Of these fungi are Beuvaria ,Vertisilium , and Metarhizium.Beuvaria is useful against small insects particularly aphids . Verticeilum is effective on white fly under humid conditions of the glass houses .Bacillus thuringensis from bacetria is efficient on lipediptrous insects such as larvae of some moths ,and on Dipterious insects such as mosquitoes,however it depends on the Bacillus strains .Salam and best regards .