I have a scientific research project that will use a design science approach. I have not yet had any practice in design science research methods. I would therefore welcome your advice, either on names of methods, or on books/guides that could be useful to me. This research would be done within the framework of a doctoral study (laboratory not yet identified, I am working on a presentation note for the research project).

My research topic will be the design of a generic diagnostic method based on a common base of issues faced by diagnosticians in very different socio-economic sectors (medicine, employment, education, engineering, etc.). The objective of this work will be to help method designers and practitioners to solve diagnostic problems by improving methods through a cross-fertilisation of practices or research work from various fields. The result will be the design of one or more artefacts that can help a wide variety of actors to innovate in the design of their diagnostic methods or ways of supporting learning (consultancies, in-house consultancies, various schools such as business, nursing, engineering, etc.). The artefacts created will be tools to support reasoning. Although they could lead to the creation of digital tools, this is not the primary objective.

In view of my question of method recommendation in design sciences and my background, I am interested in your advice and clarifying questions. I am of course also interested in getting in touch with people with advanced practice in design science research methods (and open to proposals for collaboration around my topic).

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