It is a new topic in trade, especiallt for Asian countries. But I suggest you google for the case of China. The country has good experiences in the virtual water trade. I have attached a good published paper which can be helpful to you.
Even if you are specialized in water and thinking that water can be sometime a strategic resource, this is not a good question. Your "brain" is invaded by the neoclassical trade theory (Hecksher-Ohlin and Hecksher-Ohlin-Vanek theories and their variants) and international trade is in fact a trade in production factors among which water can be counted..
However, Hecksher-Ohlin model and it s variants are notorious ones which do not fit to the data. (There are many other weak points or flaws in the HO theory) I posed a question on this point;
I posed this question two month ago (21 July 2016 ) and discussed various aspects of the theory and empirical works. 17 people are following this question and there were 323 views as of 17 September 2016. Nobody has appeared as defender of the HO theory until now.
HO theory and HOV theory is sometimes called factor content theory, because the central idea of this trade theory lies in the idea that trade of commodities is in fact trade of commodity-embodied factors. This idea as a theory of trade is completely erroneous. If we count productive factors, there are at most one hundred or so. In the world millions of millions commodities are traded. Factor endowment cannot be the determining forces of international trade.
If HO theory or HOV theory are bad theories, it is possible to calculate water contents of imported and exported commodities. However, even if you are facing water exhaustion problem, it would not be a good policy to promote water-intensive import and restrict water-less-intensive commodities. Instead of doing such complicated policy, which would hurt your economy, the simple solution is to import water by the surplus that you have gained. Much difficult problem will be developing technique to transport pure water in large scale and with cheap cost. You have much important work than to flirt with HO trade theory.