your reference obviously assumes real matrices without notice (this is a bad behavior found particularly in programming literature) and thus tells us only the well-known things.
The 2 by 2 compex symmetric matrix A with A11=A22=1, A12=A21=i has eigenvalues 1+i and 1-i which are not real!
Of course for 2x2 matrices and 3x3 matrices the conditions for real eigenvalues can easily read off from the explicit formulas for the eigen values. The results are complicated and don't look interesting.
do you distribute teaser questions or do you need this information?
Actually I notice that in case of 2x2 matrix (difference between diagonal elements > 2tmes the non-diagonal element for real else complex . Using this what is the general condition in (mxm) matrix . Further I notice
(1) H = p^2 + x^4 +3iX spectrum is real but H=p^2 + x^4 + 7ix is complex .
(ii) h = p^2 +ix^3 is real and complex but H=p^2 + e^(ix^3) is real
(3) H=P^2 + ix is complex but H=p^2 + x^2 + ix is real .
I am yet to understand its relation with symmetric complex matrix eigenvalues .
I never mean any thing but I feel this examples point finger at symmetric matrix
eigenvalue relation .
If you have the literature please give informations relating to that
Thank you for confronting me with the Takagi factorization first in my live.
That for your E, M, U we have E = U M U^T is obviously true. What do you mean with 'acceptable' in such a context ? Do you intent to say something about my counter-example? Please comment on the intent of your remark.
The Takagi factorization is a surprising fact that obviously is relevant for Biswanath's question. I would like to leave the teaser with Biswanath to draw the consequences in the context of his investigations.
sorry that you are not satisfied. As I pointed out already, I don't think that your original question has a canonical answer. For growing size of the matrix the complexity of the condition grows too. I'm convinced that Robin's pointer to the Takagi factorization is a gem for everybody working with symmetric complex matrices. I will not try to find out which of the obvious and less obvious properties of this gem may be useful for you. This is either your turn or the content of a new question.
A matrix with only real eigenvalues is of the form ADA^-1 with an invertible matrix A and a real diagonal matrix D. I don't see that such an ADA^-1 is always Hermitian. Rather, I'm quite sure that it is not difficult to construct a counter-example.
Thanks for giving two links.Regarding first link : my calculations partial agree with bender . In general I am not accepting the work of bender on ix^3. Regarding your
second link ; it is of partial helpful as it support my findings. However the problem
remains still in doubt. Any way I am having a different a different lemma ; which can
give the right answer, but people has to accept it . I am trying to put it in RG shortly.
Although, as we have seen, not every matrix with real eigenvalues is Hermitian, it is true that every matrix with only real eigenvalues and a basis of orthogonal eigenvectors is Hermitian.
Yes, actually I assumed that the transformation matrix is orthogonal or unitary. A diagonal matrix has orthogonal eigenvectors (with the usual inner product,) and this property is preserved by orthogonal/unitary transformation matrices.
Hey, looks like you don't know about matrix theory. Are you talking about N real eigenvalues, where N is dimension of your matrix? Because NxN matrix can have less then N eigenvalues and Jordan blocks. Can you purify your question?
You apply methods ,which you have known so far : answer the following
(i) H = p^2 + x^4 + 2 i x (all real calculated about 1400 eigenvalues.(published work)
(ii) h = p^2 + x^4 + 10 i x ( unpublished ) (partially real and complex)
waiting eagerly for your answer .Previously this question was not answered satisfactorily by many people. If you say Jordan block ,then apply and give me the results . But do not say the word PT breaking.