9 Questions 77 Answers 0 Followers
Questions related from Eugene Prokhorenko
Imagine that we have point interacting particles, that moving according law like x(i, t+dt)=x(i,t)+f(i,j,t)*dt. Or also velocities can be included. In the limit dt ->...
10 October 2019 5,990 5 View
Using -e^2/(Re-Rp) potential in Shrodinger equation for hydrogen atom means that proton and electron are point particles. Why do we think, that on atomic size they are point-like? Just guess, that...
01 January 2017 2,869 25 View
Well known problem of finding potential for metal sphere and point charge, solving with "mirror image" trick give you 2 different answers for the force, acting on point charge. One when we use...
12 December 2016 8,675 6 View
When we try to find out algorithm to calculate evolution of mechanical system in discrete time, we find, that energy is not conserving. Does this mean some deep law? Is it possible to use momentum...
11 November 2016 4,745 17 View
We believe, that alpha particle goes out of nuclei with probability ~exp(-gamma*t), but this is only asymptotic formula. Can we choose some potential, where the formula will be "exact"?
02 February 2016 8,174 10 View
With 2 indices it's Aij=(Aij+Aji)/2+(Aij-Aji)/2 for GL(N).
02 February 2016 6,617 3 View
When we do electromagnetic field quantization, we are getting set of oscillators and no any sources, only free field. So is there field without source?
01 January 2016 720 24 View
In fact this is Lenard Wiechert potential in D dimension. Usually it's written as sum of some terms, depending on D and isn't useful for differentiation. More advanced form differs for odd and even D.
12 December 2015 8,638 8 View
It's well known, that in Special Relativity (SR) there can't be rigid bodies, so sorta Hook equation must account any body deformation. Consider two cubes, moving to each other with v~c. How they...
12 December 2015 1,124 28 View