01 January 2016 4 635 Report

I have a density metric (# of territories/km) which I would like to model in a LMM or GLMM.  Using the lme4 and glmmamdb packages in R I am successfully able to model it as such with a Gaussian family distribution.  I have Year (as a factor) and proportion stream impacted (from 0-1, e.g. 0.35 for 35%) as fixed effects, and Stream (as factor, the "sites" of study) as a random factor.  I am essentially seeing whether Year or percent impact affects density controlled for Stream variability.

  However, any examples I've found online of modeling density as a response variable use *count* of territories instead (# territories) to model density, with area (stream length) monitored (which varied by year) as an offset.  This would make the data Poisson for count data, and I ran into a slew of errors in getting these models to work.

So my question in essence is from a philosophical/statistical standpoint which is technically the "proper" way to model a density variable (Gaussian, poisson, or something else)?  If I already accounted for stream length distances in my density metric (# terrs/km) then I don't see the need to make the model more complicated (e.g. use poisson), but I am curious how others would approach this problem.

*Part of the issue too is that density is slightly "non-normal" according to a Shapiro test and histogram, but with a ggplot quantiles look mostly fine with some minimal skirting at both tails. Depending on how non-normal is considered "non-normal," I wouldn't be able to use "Gaussian" unless I transform the variable, which I don't want to do either. My understanding is that I would have to seek a GLMM alternative. The density value ranges from 0.64-2.66 and mean 1.33 (so

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