We want to make photo's of some male genitalia of Hymenoptera Diapriidae.
I already have Snodgrass (1941) and the publications with genitalia of members of the subfamilies Belytinae (in Nixon 1957) and Ambositrinae (in Naumann 1982).
as far as I know the most interesting recent publications on this subject have been published by Susanne Schulmeister. She evaluates the validity of applied nomenclature and by elimination of false assumptions she composes a new set of morphological terms. http://susanne.schulmeister.com/publications.html
Sure, that is her primary field of expertise, but in a personal correspondence (2007) Susanne wrote me to be working on the homologies across the entire order of Hymenoptera. Her proposals for new terms, like 'Harpe' replacing the names Gonostylus and Distiparamere, can already be applied to all Hymenoptera. The main problem of male genitalia nomenclature at the moment is that two sets of names are in use alongside each other, and not so much which organs have a particular function. In bees this can be slightly confusing, but not in most other families.
Hi Theo, I just looked to see if Anthony Daglio was on Researchgate.net, and found he isn't. If you join Academia.edu, you will see masses of articles on wasps that he has uploaded to be shared. Various countries, various kinds. He has collected and is continuing to collect a treasure trove of articles/books on hymenoptera from all over.
I joined Researchgate to be able to see an article I was interested in, and Academia to get one pdf file. Just as in Researchgate, people in Academia are not snooty about postings from people without much name for themself in a field. I think these communities do an invaluable service for researchers in many surprising areas.