I am looking for a dataset which contains a list of phrases and the emotion associated with it. For example for x="what the hell just happened", y='surprise'.
yes, states of mind are classified at levels of families, and then on specific emotions. but my database is for historical-anthropological purpose, not for experimental psychological tests
You might be interested in datasets with texts and their annotations I developed for emotional research (see "Opinion Mining and Lexical Affect Sensing").
you can find a data set of newspaper titles, each one associated with a ground truth (human annotated) of six emotions. Thus, for each sentence you willl have not a single emotion but a weighted vector of emotions.
in fact, you should rely on a particular affective model.
Hey man, take a look at my paper, it's not currently published anywhere, it will be soon, the dataset I use contains facebook posts from a bunch of fanpages; therefore, likes, shares, and the well known REACTIONS which are EMOTIONS. You could check it out in my github.
hey sir, did u find the data set you needed. I am in urgent need of this dataset. It contains 7 different emotions namely sad, happy, hate and so on. Can you please provide me this dataset?
i was working for a dataset, which is still under construction, and still needs to be updated and revised. i can just send you the link with information : http://paolosantangelo.altervista.org/emotions.htm
for more information, you can see some of my published works.