hi there, I am interested in getting highly specific data regarding covid-19 such as the age of 100 patients and the recovery time. All the datasets I find online are rather macro and only give me percentages or total numbers, as such, where can I find a proper dataset that can give me case by case data for covid-19?

EDIT: Hi there everyone, this is a bit unrelated but I've been sharpening up my R programming skills and by following the advice of all the professors I've talked to, I'd like to offer my skills in R programming to any that require it. I'm not seeking anything in return, just experience and adding some credibility to my cv. Here is a sample of an Application that I made in a day for my statistical computing 2 final:

https://ahmadmhanna.shinyapps.io/runtimeterror/ (ps. the bar to the left is interactive and it only works in desktop for now). In any case, please contact me or let me know if you need any help in R or if I can lend my statistics background and programming skills to your research project. That's all. Thank you for reading this!

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