I want to prepare some polymer film by casting the polymer mixture on a rectangular plate kind of things and later topeel it off after drying.My research supervisor suggested to use teflon molds without any curve strcture as it won't be affected by any chemicals and teperature and frictionless; so the polymer film can be easily can be peeled off. Although petripate, polystyrene plates and glass slides have been used in previous literature, I want to get teflon (PTFE) molds.

In Amazon, after searching for Teflon molds, its showing Cake molds made with carbon steel. Is it ok to use carbon steel for casting film and later taking it off. I also searhed for Merck Teflon weighing boats but that also showing weighing boats made from polystyrene, although the properties of weighing boats include chemical resistance and temp: tolerant. I also quried for few local manufacturers through Indiamart around hyderabad, banglore and chennai but they also don't deal with it.

Can anyone please help me to get teflon mld or teflon(PTFE)weighing boats?

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