08 August 2013 3 4K Report

In the following paper, I advance the idea that it was not until after the destruction of the Mycenaean palaces and the collapse of the Mycenaean kingdoms around 1200 BC that the performance of oral heroic song became significant in the Greek world. The standard view based on the survival of linguistic archaisms in the Homeric texts places the origins of the Greek epic tradition in the palatial Mycenaean period (c. 1450-1200 BC) or even earlier. However, evidence for performing practices that can be regarded as specific to the epic first appears in the material and visual record of the post-palatial period. In the paper, I seek to reconcile the linguistic perspective with this finding. I would appreciate any comments on these issues, particularly from linguists and historians of Greek literature.

Chapter The destruction of the Mycenaean palaces and the constructio...

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