22 April 2021 17 3K Report

I am currently writing my dissertation. I have used a mixed methods approach which consists of two phases. Phase one: questionnaire and independent t-test (primary data); phase two: follow-up interviews (supplementary data). I originally only planned to do the t-test, however, as some of the significant results are fairly unexplainable without heavy use of speculation, I decided to do some follow up interviews. I interviewed 13 in total (7 from London and 6 from Hong Kong). I am fairly pushed for time and am wondering what the best and most efficient way is to round off my study. I don't plan to do comprehensive schematic analysis as the qualitative data was only to better describe the occurrences of some results, instead I just plan to make use of important quotes. I have used the Otter.ai software to transcript the interviews (roughly 15% error text but good enough). So, the question is - where do I start? I am with lots of data but without a good plan for merging the two methods together in the discussion stage. Any recommendations are much appreciated. For background, there are 31 variables to discuss in total, though only around 10 were of particular interest (not obvious) for the interview stage.

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