Paul: Here is a copy of the Attendance Policy in the College of Business at my university:
Attendance Policy
The College of Business seeks to prepare you for the professional world of work. To this end, your attendance in class is required. Your regular attendance develops responsibility and accountability, and sets a pattern that is expected by employers. Good communication is also an expectation of your professors and future employers. You must communicate in a timely manner with your professors regarding any necessary absence, late arrival or early departure from class. Attendance is worth a maximum of 100 points in this course.
You are expected to attend every scheduled meeting of a class.
Any student who misses more than four classes during the semester will lose one letter on the final grade.
Any student who for any reason misses 25% or more of class meetings during the course will receive an “F” in the course.
Unexcused late arrival to class (tardy) three times will be counted as one absence.
Except for an emergency, you are expected to remain in the classroom for the duration of the class period. If you must leave class early, inform your instructor before class. If you fail to inform the instructor, your early departure will count as a Tardy.
Paul: Here is a copy of the Attendance Policy in the College of Business at my university:
Attendance Policy
The College of Business seeks to prepare you for the professional world of work. To this end, your attendance in class is required. Your regular attendance develops responsibility and accountability, and sets a pattern that is expected by employers. Good communication is also an expectation of your professors and future employers. You must communicate in a timely manner with your professors regarding any necessary absence, late arrival or early departure from class. Attendance is worth a maximum of 100 points in this course.
You are expected to attend every scheduled meeting of a class.
Any student who misses more than four classes during the semester will lose one letter on the final grade.
Any student who for any reason misses 25% or more of class meetings during the course will receive an “F” in the course.
Unexcused late arrival to class (tardy) three times will be counted as one absence.
Except for an emergency, you are expected to remain in the classroom for the duration of the class period. If you must leave class early, inform your instructor before class. If you fail to inform the instructor, your early departure will count as a Tardy.