I am attempting to convert several .sdf ligands (2D) into .pdbqt files using the Open Babel program for molecular docking. I have followed the steps below:
After completing these steps, I encountered a fragmented structure, as shown in the picture. What could be the reason for this output, and how can I rectify it? Please provide your suggestions. Thank you.
Comandline I used:
obabel -isdf *.sdf -h -osdf -O*.sdf --gen3d
obminimize -ff MMFF94 -sd -n 10000 *.sdf
obabel *.sdf -omol2 -m
obabel *.mol2 -opdbqt -m
I have not used script based method yet I have seen some people have the same problem with script as well.
Note: This problem is coming with 2D.sdf files not with the 3D.sdf files.