I am looking for literature where I can understand the skewing of the X-ray diffracttion peak coming from the sample and is not a result of beam divergence or any instrumental contribution.
I believe a good book in your case will be "Modern Powder Diffraction" by David L. Bish and Jeffrey Edward Post published by Mineralogical society of America.
I believe you could find some references/book chapters/or just ppt summarizing the fundamental concept of solid state chemistry including XRD analysis which is useful to understand step by step. It relates to the crystal structure lattice of the materials where the peaks have to occur based on the Bragg law and Systematic Absences. Hope this help!
Dear Prachi Telnag, My favorite book is ' Fundamentals of Powder Diffraction and Structural Characterization of Materials ' by Zavalij and Pecharsky. Maybe this book will help you. In one of my samples asymetry was given by distortions in tetragonal scheelite-related structure.