Considering a mosfet switch how can i do the analysis . what voltage would the output capacitor settle at(say input voltage is 24 volt)? suggest the mathematical analysis or reference.
It depends on what's the type of load you are connecting/disconnecting. I just browsed online, attached document has good mathematical explanation on different types of loads to Buck/Boost Converter.
Also, consider Continuous and Discontinuous Conduction Modes.
But Power Electronics by Daniel Hart is the best text book I'd recommend.
By a open circuit load in a boost converter, output current will be zero. Input current of a boost converter is equal with: Iin=(1/1-D)*Iout.
D is duty cycle. For different values of D, Iin will be zero.
But if you short circuit your output there will be a very high amount of current in your circuit. For preventing that, you should apply a controller structure.
Ok if we consider a boost converter with output capacitor. Since we have inductor at input side we can consider it at stiff cureent source if inductor was large enough to keep load cureent constant. It will mean that constant current source fed to capacitor ( when load is removed) so capacitor will keep charging . But then upto what limit ( q= cv ) c and voltage rating is fixed so if charged enough then finally it would burn be damaged . Please correct me if i am wrong
In such a case the boost converter will operate at no load condition. Due to no discharge of energy through the load, for every cycle there will be a voltage buildup eventually causing the capacitor to burst.