12 Questions 8 Answers 0 Followers
Questions related from P. Arvind
Is Clarke Transformation applicable to a Scott transformer as well? If not what modifications could be made to the transformation matrix?
25 October 2022 7,974 1 View
For a switched-mode power supply, can volt second balance be applied to capacitor voltages too at different operating modes or is it only restricted to inductors? Is it technically correct to...
05 August 2020 7,991 5 View
As filters are incorporated in inverters to provide a more sinusoidal waveform, I am keen to know what is the correct procedure of obtaining the bode plot of different combinations of L and C...
16 March 2020 8,493 4 View
Power (active, reactive) send to grid depends on iL magnitude and its phase wrt grid voltage. For a closed-loop current control of a VSI (as of now let's consider a single-phase VSI) in a...
15 March 2020 1,962 4 View
What is the approach for doing the state space analysis of a three-phase VSI having LC filters coupled with each of its legs? I want the state space analysis for each and every operating...
07 February 2020 5,743 2 View
In the P-f Droop control strategy for a three-phase Voltage Source Inverter using ABC-dq0, why is the current measured before as well as after the filter circuit or in other words why is the...
02 February 2020 3,032 2 View
Where can I use a boost inverter and where I can use a boost converter coupled to an inverter.
08 May 2019 4,153 4 View
I am working on a project on wind energy systems that require me to use a variable gear speed ratio toolbox but (in bevel i.e a 90 degree shift in direction) Can someone show me how to do so it...
22 December 2017 3,626 1 View
Usually in Matlab/Simulink, there is a pre defined model of a 3 phase PMSG where voltage, current, reactances etc parameters can be adjusted according to the simulation but there is no option to...
24 November 2017 492 3 View
In a double track circuit (Indian Railways), during wet conditions the safe resistance of the Ballast is kept around 6.5 ohm per km. What could be the consequences if it falls below 6.5? Why 6.5...
24 November 2017 3,467 0 View
If an inductor of X mH is being incorporated in an LC / LCL filter, what should be the core type assuming that the carrier frequency of sine pwm would be around 4 kHz? Will it be a ferrite type...
01 January 1970 9,904 5 View
A Buck converter is developed in Lab. Vin=100 V, D=0.5, Vo measured by voltmeter=80 V. Is it possible? Vo measured by voltmeter=40 V. Is it possible? If both the possibilities could be correct...
01 January 1970 9,671 1 View