Hi Everyone,

I am going to be carrying out a water quality study for a catchment that has a reservoir at its outlet and its majorly covered by vegetation, with some shifting cultivation and there are a few local villages, so there is some point source and non-point source pollution. So, I wanted to know, can SWAT model the following water quality parameters? And is there any better hydrological model to use for modelling these parameters?

1. Dissolved Oxygen (DO)

2. Biochemical Oxygen Demand

3. Chemical Oxygen Demand 4. Ammonia Nitrogen as N (NH3-N) 5. Total Suspended Solids (TSS)

6. Total Nitrogen as N (TN) 7. Total Phosphorus as P (TP) 8. Percentage of DO Saturation

9. Coliform

10. E. Coli

11. pH

12. Fluoride

13. Chloride

14. Iron

15. Manganese

16. Aluminium

I appreciate the feedbacks.

Thank you all,


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