I've been trying to do olfactometer experiments with Callosobruchus spp. (Coleoptera: Bruchinae) for two months, but the results are unreliable. I have two arms for beans and the other two arms for pure air, but the results are that 50% of the insects go to the beans and 50% go to the pure air. In reality the insects should prefer odour of the beans over the pure air.

I think that the light source might induce bias as I work in a control environment room where is ideal for growing plants, so the light source in the room is fluorescent tubes. My olfactometer is on a shelve, and I illuminate the olfactometer from the tubes beneath the shelve (see attached picture). I have to record videos, so I can't open the light above the olfactometer as it creates reflection on the olfactometer. I think that the light beneath the shelve scatters not evenly in the room, so the insect behaviour is influenced by the light.

What type of lamp should I use in this situation while I also can record the video of the insect?

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