In addition to the above suggestions, perhaps this article by Sekhon et al. may be of great help
The authors developed a theoretical framework for acceptability of healthcare interventions, and the processes are described therein. theoretical frameworks that were considered have been well documented, some of which have been proposed. Measurement of acceptability has been a challenge and this development sure will be of benefit...
Hi Tilak, if you decide to follow Young-Rock Hong'ssuggestion and adopt an innovation frame, I can recommend Actor-Network Theory. There are plenty of health related applications reported in the literature (including our own publications on tobacco control in geneneral and smoke-free regulations in particular; if you search my publications on ResearchGate you will fin them)
In an effort to "compress the undecidable", human health has been the object of analyzes that have been translated into models, with the purpose of identifying variables, activities or factors that intervene in a better or worse state of health. This formulation has been most notable since the second half of the 20th century. Within the models, the following can be mentioned: the social determinants model of human health, the geography of health, the economic model, ecosocial model, social epidemiology and even genomic explanation happiness and well-being.
However, these explanations of the health - disease phenomenon have been raised from the dimension of the known, where the causes are identifiable and the effects are repeatable, perceptible and potentially predictable.
Taking that into account, I strongly recommend to check up the complexity sciences approach. There is brilliant Handbook from Sturmberg which could be a good starting point.