I have matrial FeO containing graphitic carbon from MOF Fe and when I did TEM measurement:
1. I using big consentration between my FeO and ethanol and then sonication for 5 min, and the result of TEM the particles so agrigated, until I can’t see my FeO lattice because covered or obstructed with my graphitic carbon layer and my feo is agrigated from one with each other until i cant sure the particle size of my FeO
2. I add surfactant and sonication 15 Min but with smaler consentration and the result i just see a little amount of particle and still agrigated and the carbon and my FeO in different position so cant showed the carbon lattice and FeO lattice together
what the best way for preparing my TEM sample if i wanting my compound not soo agrigated but still showed many material on there...? Thanks you all