Where possible, I think that teachers should use a single, consolidated Learning Management System. Many schools already have such an LMS.
The big advantage for the students is that they have all of their learning activities together in one place, as opposed to having to constantly go back and forth among multiple online platforms.
Cambridge Institute for Music Therapy Research: Zoom to facilitate live interactive music making and song writing, sharing screen, best audio quality and clarity wearing headphones. I have used WhatsApp and Messenger video for monitoring clinents during clinical contacts.
Doddle (in line with Michael'sresponse above) seems to work brilliantly for secondary level students, as does Google Classroom for primary level. Perhaps Moodle is for undergrads, right Alessio?... I will have a look online.
What I use it's Teams, but my university provides me the access.
Webroom.net is nice, you and your students don't have to instal any program, you just send a link, you can share the files, and work on one board (but only 12 participants in the room for free); Zoom and Google classroom is also good for communication with students.
It is an interesting question and the answer depends on the context. For example, not all my students have free connectivity, computers or smartphones, so what I do is the following: the class presentations I upload to slideshire, to scibd as pdf, and I make some videos about these presentations and upload them to Youtube. This is available all the time and when they can see it.
The first world's universities already have an electronic system that allows students to get in touch with their departments, the universities in the developing world are mostly using Google Classroom, Moodel supported by live video call applications such as Google hangouts, Meet, and Zoom.
3) Enrique Romero et al. (2018). "IMPROVING LEARNING THROUGH G SUITE FOR EDUCATION. USE OF ‘GOOGLE UNIVERSE’ APPS IN THE CLASSROOM" 12th International Technology, Education and Development Conference, March 2018, Available at: Conference Paper IMPROVING LEARNING THROUGH G SUITE FOR EDUCATION. USE OF ‘GO...
4) University of Groningen (2020). " G Suite for Education" Available at: https://www.rug.nl/let/onze-faculteit/organisatie/diensten-en-voorzieningen/ictol/innov-practice/g-suite-for-education?lang=en
a) https://www.brighttalk.com/join/ >>>>b) Priyanka Kalra (2019). "Researcher Academy: An introduction to e-learning resources for researchers" Webinar Jan. 22, 2019, Available at:
Actually, Remote teaching creates huge opportunities for effective learning and collaboration outside the classroom. It is important to keep the following in mind before we explore the various online tools available. The focus should be on pedagogy and learning, rather than technology. So, any tool that serves this goal is good and workable.
All the tools still require the skill, experience and expertise of a teacher. It does not matter what the platform is, the impact is on how we use it. So, we should look for ways to establish routines that allow everyone to get organized and be engaged in a smooth educational process.