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Questions related from Michael W. Marek
This large international conference will be held online this year due to COVID. I am submitting a paper to the Technology Enhanced Language Learning track (8). It is about a topic I have never...
16 February 2021 2,322 15 View
My question says it all. I am wondering if research agendas across many fields have changed due to the COVID-19 circumstances, and why.
07 July 2020 3,693 6 View
For a research project, I am looking for a world-wide profile of higher education faculty. I am looking for distributions such as age, faculty rank, discipline taught, years of teaching, graduate...
12 May 2020 6,698 19 View
Update: Data collection is closed and our manuscript has been published. Thank you to everyone who participated. You can find it at: Teacher Experiences in Converting Classes to Distance...
07 May 2020 1,911 46 View
Many teachers are faced with the challenge to quickly transition an in-person class to online delivery for future semesters due to the coronavirus. Based on my research and experience, I prepared...
18 March 2020 406 21 View
Final Test Week is here for my school, and rapidly approaching for many faculty members. It includes a huge crunch of test-giving and test grading, plus many other end-of-the-semester tasks....
28 April 2018 6,681 10 View
Right after the 2016 US election, we heard a lot about the "echo chamber" that saw a lot of people talking about issues in social media, but mostly to people of similar beliefs. Why did neither...
19 January 2018 6,782 2 View
In the past, teaching about native speaker culture was challenging for teachers who had never lived in that culture. Today we know that learning English is not only about interacting with native...
28 August 2016 6,506 11 View
It seems to me that a natural online community may include multipleplatforms, with people interacting across Facebook, LINE, Instagram, Tumblr, email, blogs, etc. But rules for classroom use of...
31 May 2016 4,274 8 View
Today we know that learning English is not only about interacting with native speakers, but also interacting with anyone with whom you do not share a mother tongue. I think that most people agree...
19 April 2016 9,220 53 View
I am in possession of my grandfather's photograph album from when he was in the Prussian military in China in 1903-1906. This was immediately after 义 和 团, Yì hé tuán, the Boxer Rebellion If you...
14 April 2016 7,361 3 View
In teaching English as a foreign language, can we stimulate students to apply themselves to reading, writing, listening and speaking through teaching them about the culture of the target language?...
20 June 2015 914 20 View
"Gamification" of EFL learning is often discussed, but contests in which there is a winner and losers may be different from the kind of game in which students compete against their own previous...
16 April 2015 4,018 4 View
Most teachers agree that teaching the culture of native speaking countries is valuable, but how MUCH should this be done? Do you have a percentage in mind or other way of saying how much of the...
22 December 2014 7,213 40 View
Computer Assisted Language Learning and Mobile Assisted Language Learning is popular and many studies have been published about them, but I am not convinced that faculty have the resources to know...
27 October 2014 9,163 14 View
I had the thought today about Facebook, Twitter, and many other online/mobile platforms which continually feed us "top posts" or content based on location. I don't like this because I like to...
01 January 1970 6,766 7 View
It will be my third CALL Conference, and I am looking forward to seeing friends there, and meeting new colleagues. My presentation wil be Sunday morning.
01 January 1970 1,039 7 View