Political science literature on social movements concentrates on "resource mobilization" work (e.g. McAdam, Tarrow, Tilly, Klandermans). Yet, one of the first works I've read in business literature on social movement theory doesn't even reference resource mobilization literature but rather concentrates on "new" social movements literature (e.g. Escobar, Melucci and Touraine). This work seems within the mainstream of business literature on corporate responsibility. Is this unusual?

Boele, Richard, Heike Fabig, and David Wheeler. 2001. “Shell, Nigeria and the Ogoni. A study in unsustainable development: II. Corporate social responsibility and 'stakeholder management' versus a rights-based approach to sustainable development.” Sustainable Development 9 (3) (August): 121-135. doi:10.1002/sd.168.


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