10 October 2018 3 4K Report

I want to know about the Nonlinear Mixed Effect Model.

This is my conducted analysis below.

1. Construct base model.

2. Scatterplot between estimated parameters and covariates.

3. Integrate high correlated covariates to the base model.

4. Construct covariate model.

For example, estimates is k, and covariates is x.

ln(k) and x are positively correlated.

And I defined that k=theta1*theta2^(x-Med(x)).

Med(x) means median of x.

Objective function value of constructed covariate model is significantly less than that of base model.

However, in covariate model, estimated theta2 is less than 1.

Why? I cannot understand it.

↓This is my thought.




That theta2 is less than 1 means that ln(theta2) is less than 0.

So, ln(k) and x are negatively correlated.

It is contradictory with regression results.

I am unfamiliar to this area.

If you have some information, please teach me.

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