Hi dear friend This is a strange question, and it depends entirely on the number of degrees of freedom of the chi-square distribution. However, the values are generally well above 0.6.
The statistical assumptions for carrying out factor analysis are quite many. Some of the popular ones are: (a) determinant score, which checks for multicollinearity/singularity (recommended minimum value of 0.00001), Bartlett’s Test of Sphericity to confirm patterned relationship among the variables as seen from the correlation matrix (p= 0.5. et.c
Read these additional resources:
(1) Gie Yong A, Pearce S (2013). A beginner’s guide to factor analysis: Focusing on exploratory factor analysis. Tutor Quant Methods Psychol, 9, 79–94.
(2) Williams B, Onsman A, Brown T (1996). Exploratory factor analysis: A five-step guide for novices. J Emerg Prim Health Care, 19, 42–50
As per Hair et al. (2010), one needs to consider multiple criteria for assessing if the sample is appropriate for factor/component analysis:
1. The visual inspection to assess if there are enough inter-item correlations of more than 0.3.
2. You can choose to get anti-image correlation matrix, and if the absolute values in this matrix are more than 0.7, most likely your data is not suitable for factor analysis/PCA.
3. You can also see the results of Bartlett's test. This test assesses if your correlation matrix is identity matrix. In case the significance value is
KMO statistic varies between 0 and 1. Kaiser 1974 recommends accepting values greater than .5 as barely acceptable. KMO values of less than .5 should lead to more data collection or chosing variables to include.
Read, Andy, F. (2013) Discovering Statistics Using IBM SPSS for more information
Low KMO reflect inadequate sample size for you to proceed further in your EFA procedure. Thus your results might not be reliable or your argument is not strong enough.
KMO does not depend on sample size, but rather depends on partial correlations (e.g., correlations between pairs of items with variance associated with all other items removed). KMO =1 if all partial correlations are zero, an unlikely outcome. However, if some pairwise correlations cannot be explained by overlap with other variables in the model, then those partial correlations may be large, and KMO is reduced. Ordinarily, if there are three or more correlated variables on each factor, KMO will be large, close to 1. However, if there are isolated pairs of items that are correlated with each other but not with other variables, KMO will suffer. A factor with only two items will generally contribute to small KMO.
According to Kaiser (1975), KMO > 0.9 --->> Marvelous
Between 0.8 and 0.9 --> Mmeritourious
Between 0.7 and 0.8 --> Middling
Between 0.6 and 0.7 --> Mediocre
Between 0.50 and 0.6 --> Miserable
Less than 0.5 --> Unacceptable.
However, Hair et al. (2006) suggest accepting a value > 0.5, and that values between 0.5 and 0.7 are Mediocre, and values between 0.7 and 0.8 are Good.
The adequacy of the sample is measured by KMO in SPSS. The sampling is adequate or sufficient if the value of Kaiser Meyer Olkin (KMO) is larger than 0.5 Field (2000), according to Pallant (2013) the value of KMO is 0.6 and above. Kaiser (1974) recommends a bare minimum of 0.5 and the value between 0.5 and 0.7 are mediocre, value between 0.7 and 0.8 are good, value between 0.8 and 0.9 are great and value between 0.9 and above are superb (Hutcheson & Sofroniou, 1999).
Dale E. Berger Thank you for explaining KMO in the best manner.
KMO does not depend on sample size, but rather depends on partial correlations (e.g., correlations between pairs of items with variance associated with all other items removed). KMO =1 if all partial correlations are zero, an unlikely outcome. However, if some pairwise correlations cannot be explained by overlap with other variables in the model, then those partial correlations may be large, and KMO is reduced. Ordinarily, if there are three or more correlated variables on each factor, KMO will be large, close to 1. However, if there are isolated pairs of items that are correlated with each other but not with other variables, KMO will suffer. A factor with only two items will generally contribute to small KMO.
Currently attempting to do my EFA but the KMO test shows I have only 0.5 sampling adequacy and R will not let me continue with this. Is there any way to carry on with the EFA or would I just need to say the sampling was not adequate and publish this in the results?