8 Questions 23 Answers 0 Followers
Questions related from Satish Bhagwatrao Aher
Gases in ambient air are measured in various units. Like ppm, ppb, percentages, microgtam per cubic meter etc. What are these exactly? I am new to the air field. earlier I worked with soil and...
28 November 2020 4,139 1 View
Soil organic carbon determination has two options for indicator 1. Phenolphthalein 2. Ferroin Is there any difference in result with the use of these indicators in same samples ?
22 May 2020 5,194 7 View
What is the maximum duration of survival of COVID19 in human dead body? Is there any risk of transmission from buried dead body ? Either through soil microorganisms, rodents, nematodes etc. or...
14 May 2020 2,289 12 View
Lead is considered as one of the important air pollutant. Earlier the main source of ambient air was leaded gasoline/petrol. After ban on leaded gasoline/petrol, some studies reported significant...
13 May 2020 5,406 4 View
The outbreak of COVID19 pandemic may have some other impacts such as Environmental, Social, Psychological, Ethical, Moral, Physical, Natural resources, Ecosystem, Energy, Professional etc. The...
16 April 2020 528 5 View
Presently, the scientific communities including NGOs, Governments, Policy makers etc.throughout the world are concerned about soil health sustenance. They also focusing sustainable soil fertility....
14 April 2020 6,058 68 View
The dissolved oxygen and temperature graph always shows the value of DO from 0-14 mg/lit. According to the graph, it seems that the maximum DO value is 14 mg/lit. So, what is the maximum value of...
12 April 2020 3,939 2 View
It is observed that, the cities with higher air pollution witnessed comparatively more no of deaths of COVID-19 infected patients in the world. Kindly provide your valuable inputs regarding the...
09 April 2020 4,576 30 View