I added links to publications concerning determination of TPH by FT-IR as mentions Grzegorz Boczkaj. I overlooked UV-Vis. Determination of TPH in UV-Vis is not possible.
I agree with the comments above that UV-Vis is not the best method nor even a good method because it does not detect alkanes and cycloalkanes. Often UV-Fluorescence has been used as an initial screening tool to assess the presence petroleum aromatic hydrocarbons in petroleum. However, even then, there could be false positives as my lab found in samples of polychaetes from the New York Bight USA surface sediments: e.g. see
Farrington, J.W., S.G. Wakehem, J.B. Livremento, B.W. Tripp, and J.M. Teal (1986). Aromatic hydrocarbons in New York Bight polychaetes: U.V.-fluorescence analyses and GC/MS analyses. Environ. Sci. Technol., 20:69-72. I will try and scan the article to a pdf soon and post it in a later response. Best regards to all, John