My concern is with coarser silt ( which are according to atterberg classification of grain size between 50 and 20 um ), is it advisable to sample them with the pipette without waiting for a time, or we use the sieving techniques like the sand?
Stokes Law doesn't apply in turbulent flow (for typical densities > 50 um) and where the settling is not linear (< 2 um Brownian motion). Terry Allen in Particle Size Measurements quotes an applicable range for gravity settling as 2 - 50 um. You can, of course, always increase g (as in the disc centrifuge). However, Stokes will always provide a result whether applicable or not... Also see:
The Mariana Trench Problem (Lunch & Learn 11/7/2014)
February 9th, 2012 Size and shape characterization in soils and sediments