I am a user of Debian GNU Linux (stable), R and QGIS. I use many data formats, but ESA data are resisting me. They come in NetCDF4. I had tried several R libraries (ncdf4, RNetCDF, raster) abut I believe that these files are not fully compatible with standards. In fact, I can read these files but when I want to process them the program is interrupted. Also, the version of QGIS that comes in Debian GNU Linux does not read these NetCDF4 from ESA. QGIS read perfectly the NetCDF4 from NASA. I really just want to pass one of the layers of these NetCDF4 to GeoTiff. I'm using NASA's Panoply viewer and exporting the data to CSV for import into QGIS, but it's a very slow process. I just need to see the layer and pass it to GeoTiff. Does anyone know a simple visualizer that allows to do it?. Panoply can not do it... Thanks in advance...