I tried ligation of pET 21 A and my insert 624 bp

with the following conditions

Tube 1 :Vector alone

Tube 2:Vector +Insert 16 hrs at 16 degrees C for 13 hours

Vector : 80 ng- in terms of copies 1.32 X 10 10

Insert : 50 ng - in terms of copies 7.42 X 10 10

Ligation conc :Vector 10 ng/ microlitres l,Insert 8 ng/microlitres by visual estimation Molar excess 1: 5

Pmols of Vector:0.022

Pmols of Insert:0.121

Weiss units of enzyme Takara – 0.28 Weiss units -35 Takara Units/microlitre

I got no transformants in both Vector and Vector and insert though control undigested vector gave many transformants.

The vector is cut with single enzyme EcoRI and dephosphorylated before use -Please see the gel picture of ligation mix-it clearly has not ligated.

What error could I have done in this reaction? Please advise.

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