Can anyone explain me what is meant by 8-band k.p model for Quantum waves and Quantum Dots ?
What is the Diffusion constant (D) and Diffusion length (L) of 1. Al2O3 2. Al0.5Ga0.5As 3. GaAs 4. InAs
03 April 2016 9,499 4 View
Kindly give the values of carrier life time (Tau) of Al0.5Ga0.5As at 300K with doping concentration of 1. P type = 2.00E+182. N type = 2.00E+18
03 April 2016 3,300 0 View
01 February 2016 2,140 2 View
Please explain me about the different layers of Quantum Dot Solar cells. And thickness of each layer (nanometers).
11 December 2015 8,738 1 View
Dear friends, I need a formula that relates doping concentration of GaAs with its Bandgap. What is the band gap energy of 2E18 N type doped GaAs ?
11 December 2015 2,248 2 View
How are single junctions and double junctions are implemented in solar cells ?
11 December 2015 4,859 7 View
Hi, I am trying to construct a multi-layer fibril structure from a single layer in PyMol by translating the layer along the fibril axis. For now, I am able to use the Translate command in PyMol...
02 March 2021 4,569 4 View
Hello! I have a dataset of n=3000 nested within 8 countries with approximately 200 or 400 responses in each country. I originally planned to perform multilevel modelling with 4 dependent variables...
02 March 2021 6,865 1 View
The Lanthanide contraction which is the decrease in ionic radii of the elements in the lanthanide series from atomic number 57, lanthanum, to 71, lutetium, is due to poor shielding of the 4f...
01 March 2021 2,272 4 View
There is confusion regarding the submillimeter-wave range. Many papers specify its range from 300GHz but some also consider its range from 100GHz. If I design an antenna on 122ghz what would I...
01 March 2021 516 7 View
I think we were all surprised at the first time we got to know quantum mechanics that the squared modulus of the wave function is the probability density of the existence of the particle? The role...
28 February 2021 6,282 9 View
Is there a way to input wave speed in a complex form on ANSYS? The wave speed I need to assign a material is 325(1+0.11i) however I have been unable to do this thus far. Failing that, is there...
27 February 2021 5,969 1 View
In R-studio, there are many commands of Gumbel package. Arguments are also different. I`m asking about the alpha parameter of the Copula which must be greater than 1. If this is the one used to...
25 February 2021 5,229 3 View
Hi all, I am looking for a graph or a relation that relates the degree of saturation and the shear wave velocity for the marlstone. Looking forward to your suggestions Best Regards
24 February 2021 9,690 1 View
I want to map these river geoforms with as little subjectivity as possible. I have a high resolution DEM generated by drone data.
22 February 2021 7,800 3 View
I am planning to work on T2 diabetic animals and check the efficacy of probiotics. My initial plan is to fed B6 animals with HFD for a while. But now, I have the chance to work on ob/ob mice. My...
18 February 2021 6,896 3 View