How can we determine Fresnel complex transmission and reflection coefficients between any two layers. For example the transmission and reflection coefficients between AlGaAs and GaAs layers of solar cells.
You can use transfer Matrix theory to calculate that. You can follow the approach from the following paper.
I find the result in this paper, while the details are not illustrated. Have you got any helpful papers, please pass a copy to me. Thank you!
Can anyone explain me what is meant by 8-band k.p model for Quantum waves and Quantum Dots ?
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What is the Diffusion constant (D) and Diffusion length (L) of 1. Al2O3 2. Al0.5Ga0.5As 3. GaAs 4. InAs
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Kindly give the values of carrier life time (Tau) of Al0.5Ga0.5As at 300K with doping concentration of 1. P type = 2.00E+182. N type = 2.00E+18
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Please explain me about the different layers of Quantum Dot Solar cells. And thickness of each layer (nanometers).
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Dear friends, I need a formula that relates doping concentration of GaAs with its Bandgap. What is the band gap energy of 2E18 N type doped GaAs ?
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How are single junctions and double junctions are implemented in solar cells ?
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