Kindly give the values of carrier life time (Tau) of Al0.5Ga0.5As at 300K with doping concentration of
1. P type = 2.00E+18
2. N type = 2.00E+18
Can anyone explain me what is meant by 8-band k.p model for Quantum waves and Quantum Dots ?
08 September 2016 5,789 0 View
What is the Diffusion constant (D) and Diffusion length (L) of 1. Al2O3 2. Al0.5Ga0.5As 3. GaAs 4. InAs
03 April 2016 9,499 4 View
01 February 2016 2,140 2 View
Please explain me about the different layers of Quantum Dot Solar cells. And thickness of each layer (nanometers).
11 December 2015 8,738 1 View
Dear friends, I need a formula that relates doping concentration of GaAs with its Bandgap. What is the band gap energy of 2E18 N type doped GaAs ?
11 December 2015 2,248 2 View
How are single junctions and double junctions are implemented in solar cells ?
11 December 2015 4,859 7 View
If the detection range is in ng/ml but the reference range is in ug/ml for a molecule or protein in serum or plasma .how to dilute and what is the initial volume to be taken for quantitative analysis
02 March 2021 7,670 3 View
I am doing my thesis on the nutrient deprivation on the macroalgae Rhizoclonium sp. I will be analysing the levels over a period of roughly 5 days by HPLC-UV and GC/MS. I will be using seawater as...
28 February 2021 6,477 1 View
I have a tank which contains natural gas at 250 Bar and 293 Kelvin. I want to cool the gas in a dry-ice cooling bath to about 195 Kelvin. The gas will flow in a copper-tube through the bath with a...
27 February 2021 8,128 1 View
Hi Guys. I'm a mechanical engineer and have a bit trouble, would be very glad if you could help me with my questions. I have a pressurized tank which contains Natural Gas at 200 Bar and 293...
26 February 2021 6,253 3 View
I am trying to obtain the response and recovery times for my gas sensor device. It appears the the response/recovery times are primarily dependant on the flow rate of the gas I inject into the...
26 February 2021 1,511 3 View
Hi all The question is related to TGA(Thermogravimetric analysis). Thermal degradation easily understood but why do samples weight decrease? altough just binding is broked, the weight of...
26 February 2021 1,100 5 View
Dear All, We are using Autodesk cfd to calculate the air flow in a single sided naturally ventilated room, where air flow depends only on buoyancy due to temperature difference between inside and...
25 February 2021 9,602 4 View
I am trying to calculate the theoretical density of my ceramics materials. I use the formula below to calculate the theoretical density: Theoretical density = (Molecular weight x No. of molecules...
24 February 2021 3,823 2 View
what is the reason film thickness increased when increased doping concentrations give some reasons The measured film thickness is 156, 282, 394, 548 and 681 nm for 0, 1.5, 2.5, 3.5, and 4.5 wt....
17 February 2021 8,987 5 View
Hello, in my Aspen Plus Simulation (see attachment) there are two heat exchangers. One HEX1 (oil+gas) ist fed by hot gas which ist coming out of a burner. The other HEX2 (gas+gas) shall work as a...
14 February 2021 8,096 2 View