Query coverage is the percentage of your sequence aligned to a sequence in genbank. This is the effective size of the sequence been compared. Low query coverages results from different ways: your sequqnces is to short, your sequence has good size but sequences on genbank are to short, or your sequence is to different from every thing in genbank that only a part of it can be compared. The smaller is the query coverage, less data (nucleotides) are been compared and the chance or error (E) is higher. So if the E value of the query is =0 it dosent matter if the querry coverge is
I have provided a screenshot of my BLAST results based on some sequencing work I have done recently with regards to verifying the cloned gene ANXA5 in plasmid pCMV-His-ORF. It says 77% query cover, E value 0 and Ident 99%. So is it correct to say that the plasmid sequenced has a 99% identity in a 77% coverage of the complete ANXA5 gene sequence? How should the BLAST results be read? Thank you.
To Rekha Chaturvedi: Generally % identity should be considered if its above 35% and % coverage is above 80%. In your case, 79% coverage is in acceptable range whereas 29% of sequence identity cannot be considered as good match. Thanks.
I have the same issue, good %identity but bad coverage, I am running BLASTn against genomes. Does anyone know if the same applies whwn I blast against genomes?
Your question is a bit unclear. Low identity to your organism of interest or in general? It can be due to many reasons. Your fragment has been correctly sequenced? Is that confirmed by forward reverse comparison? Is your sample a novel individual? The gene that you used is common for your sample?