When they are young children, the physician makes the decisions in the UK. There was a case here about 2 years ago where a critically ill child was taken out of a hospital by the parents seeking treatments abroad as the hospitals in the UK did not provide it and a number of doctors said it was unproven. The medical authorities contacted the courts and police, and the parents were picked up in Europe. brought back and charged. After a long court wrangle, the parents regained custody of their son and went abroad and obtained the treatment/which worked. As far as I know, they stayed abroad.
- Older behaviors (hearing romantic songs, talking about love and marriage).
- The growth of logical and analytical thinking.
- Make friends close.
Parents should follow these tips in dealing with adolescents:
- Give full attention to the child when he speaks, focus on understanding his point of view, and not be preoccupied with other things, such as: reading, watching television, or otherwise.
- Talk to the son nicely.
- Understand the feelings of the son regardless of his behavior, and keep the opportunity open to dialogue on any subject.
- Not to underestimate the value of the son or ridicule it just for asking unnecessary questions from the perspective of parents. - Promote self-confidence by encouraging him to participate in activities, provided that these activities have been chosen according to what the son wants and not the parents.
- Praise the son frequently and appropriately.
- Encouraging the child to participate in family decision-making.