15 September 2018 4 495 Report

It is evident that we should go on different strategies in the case of acute and chronic hypocapnia, as well as in the case of functional versus a critically ill patient.

1/ Breathing depleting drugs, such as morphine. (There are not available harmless drugs similar to this).

2/ Non-invasive pressure support ventilation (CPAP) cannot come to mind in cardiogenic pulmonary edema if hypocapnia exists, (@Valipour, see the article) only invasive mechanical ventilation.

3/ Breathing training with the biofeedback and control of PETCO2. (See @Sikter and Guevara)


4/ A new method to normalize PETCO2 and minimize the oscillation of carbon dioxide level during Cheyne-Stokes respiration: administering low dose CO₂ in a mathematically calculated time (@Mebrate et al. 2009 see the literature of the article).

5/ An attempt to restore the original cytoplasm ion-milieu - such it was before the chronic hypocapnia started - administering physiologic salt combination in doses below of Recommended Dietary Allowance (RDA). That is the main profile of the author.


6/ Certainly, the most physiological method is the right exercise training.


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