I found this in a meadow in the Austrian Alps at about 1000 m above sea level. It is fixed on the stem of a plant of Compositae. The grub is approximately as big as the figures (eggs?) in the accumulation.
Have you got a picture of the grub? I don't know the insects of that part of the world, but I believe there are little black feet showing. It is a fascinating image. I would guess it is an insect itself, maybe a kind of plant bug. Isn't it amazing the forms living things take on?
This picture was taken with the biggest solution of my camera - I could not take a better picture of the grab. The location is in a National Park ("Kalkalpen"), so of course I did not take away the cluster for hatching it.
Dear all! It is a pity that so far only a nameless people expressed negative emotions in relation to a specific request. Please, respond expert in the field of fauna and flora. Thanks in advance for clarifying an interesting picture.
Dear Alexandr, thank you. You have made a very specific suggestion. Earlier in the Pamir and Tien Shan, I tried to find out from locals the name of unusual insects and plants. One more, thank you.
thank you for your valuable answer, I think you are right. Diptera are not my favorite insects, but with your help I could have a look in different books and saw matching pictures.
Hi, I confirm. It is a grap of eggs of Horse flies. Their arrive white and rapidly turn to brown and dark after some hours. You can see animal in action and comparison between white and black eggs on this nice images: https://1000-pattes.blogspot.fr/2010/08/le-temps-dun-taon.html. Bravo to Mr Rasnitsyn