There is one parameter named 'Viscosity' in Damaged Plasticity Model. I am unable to find any theory related to this parameter as ABAQUS theory manual talk only the mathematical aspect. Please tell me the theory behind this term.
This is the parameter allowing to pass through instabilitties; it's a trick to get a converged problem in static scheme acounting for brutal propagation.
Hello Akshay Kumar, as Yann Charles hinted on, the viscous regularisation is a numerical trick to allow for mass scaling, in order to speed up calculation time significantly on the one hand, and to suppress numerical instabilities due to convergence problems on the other hand. Attention, viscous regularisation also effects your process forces. If not large enough it causes an very significant rise of the calculated forces.
As Rüdger told, use this parameter with extreme caution. You may easily get convergence using this "trick", but your results may become quite inaccurate.
Yep I totally agree wit the colleagues. Viscosity parameter is a trick that used in Abaqus/Implicit to get a converged problem. However, the results may become quite inaccurate. So, you should work on sensitivity analysis for this parameter in order to obtain the proper results as your experimental work.