Hoping you will find this important and surely your solutions should be within the below
Dengue management can be viewed in different facets including:
1) Clinical Management this has to do with innovative drug either anti-dengue or palliative therapy in emergency unit or regular hospital admision as well as ongoing vaccine dengue testing used in prevention or curative
2) Field / community management may include as well innovation in diagnostics testing tools such as field adaptable kit, rapid diagnostics or point of care screening, or both animal, human and environment modifiers or stressors assessment. Also could be extended to new community engagement and health education outreach or front line health workers capacity development and retraining
3) Laboratory management could assess in R&D in new dengue drug and vaccine pipeline as well as dengue laboratory surveillance. Here emphasis will be put into testing of pesticides/ baits to inform dengue control programs, entomology, taxonomy speciation of subtypes, molecular biology and genomics in indepth genotyping and genomics for phylogenetics, dynamics and phyllogeography of engue vectors of any given area or country
4) Integrated dengue surveillance and response management capitalize on surveillance systems and early warning alarm signals where well implemented to understand dengue vector and virus dynamics, transmission, incidence and prevalence, associated risk factors, to guide decision making policies and further innovative actions/interventions in pest control programs as well as target actions in hotspots or resurgence mitigation activities
5) Emergency response management in dengue resurgence , threats and epidemics, entails developing and implementing new capacity and capability in vigilance and timely response within local or national where the health systems is weak and emergency response systems not properly structured and performance of simulations in case of threats or epidemics crisis
6) Modelling or forecasting management in dengue using surveillance and monitoring information to analyse various scenarios, this is very helping on endemic or epidemic prone countries to forecast in order to include health planning, budget allocation and prepared for potential dengue disaster(s)
7) M&E management here we can investigate innovative M&E tools either in cultural, behavioural, social, ecological and environment that can support and revamp the performance and effectiveness of any implemented programs in dengue mitigation in control or elimination.