Dear all,

I hydrothermally treated (320°C 100 bar) an activated biochar (produced at 800°C in CO2 from softwood, 91% Carbon, 2% ash) and got XRD spectra from before and after the HT treatment. To be clear I first pyrolysed and activated the biochar before I treated it in hydrothermal conditions (in DI water and N2 gas).

Now I am wondering if anyone has an idea what the new broad peak around 12.2° might be (blue line - after HT treatment)?

The only thing I can imagine is graphene oxide however that would be a surprise after hydrothermal treatment (at least unexpected for me). As most labs are currently unaccessible to me, Raman is not an option right now.

XRD: Cu K-alpha X-radiation

Thank you!

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