It depends on what you want to estimate. I would recommend Scheaffer, Mendenhall, and Ott, Elementary Survey Sampling, Duxbury. What you are looking for is probably in Chapter 4. Other books that cover this topic include Snedecor and Cochran, Statistical Methods, 8th ed, Iowa State and Ott and Longnecker An Introduction to Statistical Methods and Data Analysis, 6th ed, Brooks/Cole. Look in the index for sample size. Best wishes. P.S. If you choose to use a program from a website make sure it is for what you want to estimate. Many are for a SINGLE estimator, often the sample proportion.
Thank you very much to all who responded with lot of valuable suggestions and resources. But, I need a simple formula for a comparative study. I have to present it to get an approval of a study protocol that I am going to conduct soon.
Then you have to tell us what you want to estimate eg means, proportions, differences of means, etc. Once we know that and how you will collect data, we can answer the question.
Dear Dr.Rabiul Alam.After reviewing the valuable answers of the researchs who answered your question and reviewing the article I cited for you, I am confident that the article will answer your question.