Dear All,


We discuss on philosophy, moral, ethics and all fields of science and everyday life determining our existence but are unable to recognise that the values of nature (our mother Gea) have been privatised and the God provided biodiversity will disappear because of the greedy plans of some corporations who launched a new plague, the GM crops.   

There is but one country, Norway who tries to save the biodiversity

 Norway invests $23.7 million in crop diversity to help farmers face climate change (FAO)

I received a call for help from the Avaaz :


„The source of our planet’s food is under threat. Ten agro-chemical firms own 73% of the commercial seed market, and as many as 93% of seed varieties have gone extinct. In the US alone 85% of apple varieties have disappeared.

Monsanto and co. are privatising the genesis of nature. And this corporate takeover is decimating sustainable farming, destroying the diversity of our crops, and making them vulnerable to diseases that could threaten our food security.

But farmers are resisting, saving seeds in banks and barns across the world. Now they have devised a revolutionary project -- the first ever, non-profit “eBay” of seed where any farmer, anywhere can source a wide variety of plants cheaper than the genetically modified seeds from chemical companies. This global online store could re-flood the market with all kinds of seeds and slowly break the monopoly that is putting our food future at risk.

This could be the most innovative agricultural idea in decades -- a Noah’s Ark of seeds. But chemical companies often bully and sue those that get in their way, and farmers are calling on us to support them. If we raise enough now we can help them launch the online site, support seed storing in key countries, finance marketing and advertising, and fund the legal defence to fight back.

For thousands of years agriculture was driven by farmers selecting, replanting, and breeding seed varieties. Then the agro-chemical companies persuaded many governments to promote a corporate system of industrial, single-crop farming. Companies promise farmers higher yields and bigger earnings, and often lure them into multi-year contracts for GM (genetically modified) seeds and pesticides. Then they rely on patent laws and use agreements to strong-arm farmers to abandon their traditional practices of seed saving and innovation.

There is still no consensus on the long-term effects of GM crops, but experts say that the lack of independent scientific studies means there may be serious risks to our health from some GM foods. And there isn’t clear evidence that the introduction of GM seeds has improved farmers' incomes or provided more food for the world's people -- in fact in many cases it has driven small independent farmers out of business and in extreme cases to suicide to avoid debt.

The dire consequences go way beyond the farmers. According to the U.N. Food and Agriculture Organisation more than three-quarters of the genetic diversity of our crops has been lost due to seed consolidation and industrial practices. This matters because when we cover large swathes of land with just one cash crop -- instead of rotating or diversifying them -- our farms are more susceptible to diseases. While genetic modification may increase some crop yields, it's clear that without seed diversity and locally-tailored sustainable practices to confront changing environmental conditions -- our global food security could be at risk.”

Some information:

2013 Report: Wake Up Before It's Too Late (UN Conference on Trade and Development)

On India’s Farms, a Plague of Suicide (New York Times)

How many farmers plant GM worldwide? (EuropaBio)

Ministry blames Bt cotton for farmer suicides (Hindustan Times)

Monsanto Lawsuits Pile Up as American Farmers Demand Rights (Mother Earth News)

Life in the Rural Police State of Monsanto (Truth Out)

From 1903 -1983 the world lost 93 percent of key seed varieties (National Geographic)

The pernicious characteristics of monocultures (PBS)

World Food Day 2004 highlights the importance of biodiversity to global food security (FAO)

Political Power of the Agribusiness & Crop Insurance Lobbies (Taxpayers for Common Sense)

Putting the Cartel before the Horse (ETC)


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