Is it possible that the dimension of a battery can influence the overall resistance? For example, regarding resistance, are the cylindrical and pouch cell same or different? If it different which one has lower resistance?
because of the large variety of chemistries, most battery cells do not have to mark the exact (multi-)chemistry, in public, till today.
However, the "resistivity" or "Specific Area Resistance" does not correlate, strongly, with the cells' format. Other[1] issues are more important for the cells' format.
PS: Instead of new term "dimensions", as a keyword, google it, more, with the keywords: batteries' "formats or types"[1].
In large batteries it is somewhat easier to achieve low internal resistance if ... the developers set this task to themselves. In general, before creating a battery, a specification is created where all the target characteristics (including inner resistance) of the battery are specified.